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Spelling Flashcards

COVER 7-5 Row 11 Lesson - Spelling Flashcards
FEATURED Spelling Flashcards 1
Spelling Flashcards 3
Spelling Flashcards 4

Description of Cricut Lesson & Activity

Create a set of fun flashcards to teach students about the weekly spelling words and test their knowledge.

ISTE Standards

  • 1.1a Learning Goals

  • 1.1b Customized Learning Environments

State / Local / Other Standards

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.2: Demonstrate an understanding of spelling and word usage.

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.

Learning Objective(s)

  • Students will be able to correctly spell and use 10 new vocabulary words in context.

Materials Required

  • Printable Cardstock

Other tools and materials:
  • Printer

  • Binder Rings


  • Use your machine to print then cut the images, stack and keep cards together with binder rings.


  • Students will complete a spelling quiz at the end of the lesson, where they will be required to spell each of the 10 vocabulary words correctly and write a sentence using 5 of them.

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