DIY Sextant: Navigate the Stars with Cricut
Description of Cricut Lesson & Activity
Create your own sextant and learn about mapping with the stars.
- Mathematics
- Science
ISTE Standards
1.1a Learning Goals
1.1b Customized Learning Environments
State / Local / Other Standards
NGSS HS-ESS2-2: Analyze and interpret data to determine the relationships among the various Earth systems.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.11-12.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats to address a scientific question.

For full project details, open in Cricut Design Space.
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For full project details, open in Cricut Design Space.
Click Here
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For use in your classroom, download full lesson plan.
Download Here

For full assessment rubric, download here.
Download Here
Learning Objective(s)
- Students will be able to use a sextant to determine their latitude by measuring the angle of a celestial body above the horizon.
Materials Required
- Cardstock in desired color
- Printable Cardstock
Other tools and materials:
- Glue
- String
- Straw
- Metal Washer or paperclip
Cut images using your machine.
Glue the cardstock pieces together.
Tie string through hole and to washer or paperclip.
Glue straw along the top of the cardstock base.
Students will complete a practical assessment where they will use a sextant to measure angles and calculate their latitude based on those measurements. A rubric will be used to evaluate accuracy, understanding of the sextant's use, and the calculation process.