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Letter Name or Sound Sort Jack O’ Lantern

Letter Name or Sound Sort Jack O’ Lantern
Letter Sounds 1
Letter Sounds 2

Description of Cricut Lesson & Activity

This Halloween-themed lesson is great for students practicing letters names and sounds.

ISTE Standards

  • 1.1 Empowered Learner
    1.1b Customized Learning Environments
  • 1.2 Digital Citizen
    1.2.c Safeguard Well-being
  • 1.3 Knowledge Construction
    1.3.c Curate Information
  • 1.4 Innovative Design
    1.4.a Design Process
  • 1.5 Computational Thinking
    1.5.c Decompose Problems
  • 1.6 Creative Communication
    1.6.a Choose Platforms or Tools
  • 1.7 Global Collaborator
    1.7.c Project Teams

State / Local / Other Standards

Utah Common Core Standards
Standard K.SL.1:
Participate in a range of conversations with peers and adults, using age-appropriate vocabulary on topics and texts.
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions such as listening to others, raising hands, and taking turns
speaking during discussion.
Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges and gain attention appropriately.
Express own ideas in small and large groups.
Standard K.R.3:
Demonstrate mastery of age-appropriate phonics skills
Demonstrate mastery of all consonant names and sounds using one-to-one letter-sound correspondence (alphabetic principle).

Learning Objective(s)

I can identify letter sounds and names.

Materials Required

  • cardstock (orange, green, yellow, red, purple, and blue)
  • tape


  • Have students draw a candy, say the letter name and/or sound, and feed it to the monster.

  • Take turns until all the candies are gone.


  • Monitor student responses.